
Hi my name is Gerald and I love games – especially good indie games!

I started Indienerds a couple of years ago to focus on Xbox Indies and to sort out the gems from what turned into a bit of a pile of shovelware at the time.  Then Microsoft buried the Indiegame program and for a long time little has been happening here.

Now I restart as I have played a lot of indies on Steam and feel the need to share what I have discovered over the years.

There are no rules and there are no ratings – but anything I share I consider worth checking out for folks that have a similar taste to mine. And as the titles I select will mostly be timeless I hope you will discover games that will be for you and this selection stand the test of time.

I post no prices as most games are fairly cheap to begin with and you can always add them to your wishlist and wait for a sale if the current price does not fit your budget.


PS: Got a review key you want to send in my direction? Please do – I am on the known lists of indie reviewers and there is a contact link in the top menu … but if you do then do not expect a review unless I really enjoy your game. And please don’t send me Kickstarter or very early Early Access titles – because I just do not have the time to turn this into a news page!